Microsoft小技巧 如何解決Surface laptop 3不斷重啟問題
為了方便居家作業,格蘭在2020年12月13日,買下了Surface laptop 3,然而在2月進行一次Windows Update後,電腦居然不斷重新開機。怎麼辦?
打電話給Microsoft Surface Malaysia,起初以為是硬體問題造成,但經過格蘭的解釋後,Surface支援人員便建議從軟件故障開始進行檢測,即通過USB Recovery方式恢復電腦系統。不過格蘭判斷是Windows Update之後造成的故障,不想這麼快重裝系統,Surface支援人員便提供了另一套解決方程式。
How To Solve Surface laptop 3 Keeps Restarting Issue
Below are the troubleshooting steps that we have tried to resolve the issue you were experiencing:
- Check Windows Update
- Run DISM RestoreHealth and sfc scannow to repair Windows 10 image
- Open Start
- Type cmd on taskbar to search for Command Prompt
- Click Run as administrator
- Type DISM /Online /Cleanup-image /RestoreHealth (note the space before each “/”)
- Press Enter (This step may take a few minutes to start and up to 30 minutes to run and complete).
- Once above step is completed, type a new command: Type sfc /scannow (note the space between “sfc” and “/”)
- Press Enter (This step may take some time as well to run and complete > Wait until it is 100% complete).
- Once it is done, type Exit and press Enter
如果Microsoft的設備出問題,最有效方法就直接打電話給 Microsoft Surface Malaysia – 1800 81 8798
Microsoft的服務是不錯的。2019年,小糖果在英國留學時,Surface Pen(第三代)突然失靈,碰巧Microsoft在英國倫敦的首間海外旗艦店開張。小糖果在7月13日去朝聖。
店員本傑明小帥哥檢查後,由於不能修復,且第三代的Surface Pen已沒有出產,居然免費送給小糖果全新的第四代Surface Pen,Cobalt Blue顏色,一支£99.99,居然比美國USD99.99還要貴。小糖果受寵若驚。